House HPF Letter Receives Record Level of Support; Senate Committee Advances Bernhardt and Jorjani Nominations; NPS Deputy Director Testifies Before House Subcommittee; Thanks for a Great Advocacy Week; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 11, April 05, 2019

1. The House Historic Preservation Fund Dear Colleague Letter Receives a Record Level of Support!

 2. Senate Committee Advances David Bernhardt Nomination for Interior Secretary and Aimee Jorjani Nomination for ACHP Chair

3. National Park Service Deputy Director, Daniel Smith, Testifies Before House Appropriations Subcommittee

 4. Thank You For Another Successful National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week

5. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: April 05, 2019 →

Senate Considers Bernhardt for Interior Secretary; House Committees Hold Hearings on Administration’s Interior Budget Request; Bill to Expand North Carolina’s HTC Introduced; Thanks for a Great Advocacy Week; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 10, March 29, 2019

1. Senate Committee Holds Confirmation Hearing to Consider the Nomination of Acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt

2. House Committees Hold First Hearings on President Trump’s Budget Request

3. Legislation Introduced in North Carolina to Expand and Extend their Historic Tax Credit Program

 4. Thank You For Another Successful National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week

5. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: March 29, 2019 →

Proposed NHPA Rule Changes Impact National Register Nominations; Urge Your Rep. to Sign-on to HPF Dear Colleague Letter; President Trump’s Budget Request Proposes Cuts to HPF; Successful Advocacy Week Concludes; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 09, March 22, 2019

1. Proposed Rule Change on National Historic Preservation Act Regulations Impacts National Register Nominations

2. Historic Preservation Caucus Co-Chairs Lead Dear Colleague Letter in Support of the Historic Preservation Fund

3. President Trump’s FY20 Budget Request Proposes Dramatic Cuts to Historic Preservation

4. Thank You For Another Successful National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week

5. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: March 22, 2019 →

House Passes Public Lands Package, Sends to President; Bills Introduced to Address National Park Service Maintenance Backlog; Bill Introduced to Improve Kentucky HTC; Advocacy Week is Less Than 2 Weeks Away, Register Today; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 08, March 01, 2019

1. House Passes Sweeping National Parks and Public Lands Legislation, Sending the Bill to the President

2. Bills to Address the National Park Service Deferred Maintenance Backlog Reintroduced in the House and Senate

3. Legislation Introduced in Kentucky to Improve the State’s Historic Tax Credit Program

4. National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week is Less Than 2 Weeks Away! Register Today

5. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: March 01, 2019 →

African American Burial Grounds Network Act Introduced; Forum Held on African American Cultural Heritage; NTHP Accepting Nominations for 11 Most Endangered List; Register for Advocacy Week!; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 07, February 22, 2019

1. African American Burial Grounds Network Act Introduced in House

2. House Natural Resources Committee Hosts Forum on African American Cultural Heritage

3. National Trust for Historic Preservation Accepting Nominations for the America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places List

4. Register for National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week!

  5. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: February 22, 2019 →