Preservation Action Political Action Committee (PAC)

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For 50 years, Preservation Action has been America’s grassroots lobby for historic preservation. Our primary goal is to ingrain historic preservation into our nation’s culture, to be embraced by our nation’s citizenry and to be fully recognized by our elected officials. Considering these goals, we have established the Preservation Action Political Action Committee; a first for a national preservation organization.

In recent years, there have been efforts to impact and limit the ways that eligible structures and districts are added to the National Register of Historic Places, threats to the Historic Tax Credit, and due to inflation, a weakened impact of the Historic Preservation Fund. At the same time, there are bi-partisan efforts to strengthen historic preservation at the federal level.

The primary goal of this PAC is to support Congressional candidates who support Preservation Action and sound preservation policies. A PAC is the only lawful way for Preservation Action to directly support federal candidates.

We strongly believe that the Preservation Action PAC — which we think of as Preservation’s PAC — will allow us to further our reach, have an increased impact on federal level preservation policy, and advance our advocacy efforts. 

The Preservation Action PAC will do the following:

  • Increase Preservation Action’s presence on Capitol Hill, in both name and lobbying presence. 
  • Make donations to Members of Congress that have continually supported Preservation Action. 
  • Make donations to Members of Congress and Congressional candidates who support sound preservation policies. 

Per Federal Law, you must be a member of Preservation Action to make contributions to the Preservation Action Political Action Committee.

If you are a member of Preservation Action and would like to contribute to the PAC, please email and we will send you a private link with donation information. If you’re interested in becoming a member of Preservation Action, please visit our membership page.