National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week Returns March 10-12; ACHP Announces Early Coordination Handbook; National Park Service Announces Fee Free Days for 2020; ACHP and HUD Announces Historic Preservation Award; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 37, November 08, 2019

1. Save the Date: National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week Returns March 10-12!

2. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Announces Early Coordination with Indian Tribes Handbook

3. National Park Service Announce Fee Free Days for 2020

4. ACHP and HUD Recognize Bell Artspace in New Orleans  with Historic Preservation Award

5. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: November 08, 2019 →

Senate Passes Interior Appropriations Bill; House Natural Resources Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Rosenwald Parks Bill; House Passes Chaco Culture and Grand Canyon Protection Bills; and Stories From Around the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 36, November 01, 2019

1. Senate Passes Interior Appropriations Bill as Part of 4 Bill Spending Package

2. House Natural Resources Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Julius Rosenwald and Rosenwald Schools Bill

3. House Passes Legislation Protecting Chaco Culture National Historical Park and Grand Canyon National Park From Threats

4. National News and Stories From the States

Legislative Update: November 01, 2019 →

Application Process Now Open for Historic Preservation Fund Competitive Grants; Vote on Senate Interior Spending Bill Expected Next Week; Rep. Perlmutter Speaks at Preservation Action’s Annual Member Meeting; Thanks for a Great Live and Silent Auction!; and Stories From Around the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 35, October 25, 2019

1. Application Process Now Open for Historic Preservation Fund Competitive Grant Programs

2. Senate Announces FY2020 Spending Package Including Interior Appropriations Bill. Vote Expected Next Week

3. Rep. Ed Perlmutter Speaks at Preservation Action’s Annual Member Meeting

4. Thanks Everyone for a Great Live and Silent Auction!

5. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: October 25, 2019 →

Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act Introduced in Senate, Urge Your Senators to Cosponsor; David Vela Named Acting Director of the National Park Service; PA Recognizes Dana Crawford With Nellie Longsworth Award; PAF Online Silent Auction Ends Tonight!; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 22, Number 34, October 18, 2019

1. Senate Version of the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act Introduced. Urge Your Senators to Cosponsor!

2. David Vela Becomes the New Acting Director of the National Park Service

3. Preservation Action Presents Nellie Longsworth Award to Longtime Denver Preservationist, Dana Crawford

4. Thanks Everyone for a Great Live Auction in Denver. Our Online Silent Auction Ends Tonight!

5. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: October 18, 2019 →

Urge Your Senators to Cosponsor the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act

Preservation Action, Action Alert
Urge Your Senators to Cosponsor the HTC-GO Act: October 17, 2019

Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) have introduced the Senate version of the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (S. 2615, H.R 2825). Similar to the House version of the HTC-GO Act, the Senate legislation would bring more value to Historic Tax Credit projects, improve access to the credit, and encourage investment in smaller rehabilitation projects.

The HTC Growth and Opportunity Act would eliminate the tax credit basis adjustment, which decreases the value of the HTC. This change would make the HTC more in line with the other tax credit programs and help restore some of the value lost by changes made during tax reform. Additionally, the bill would increase the credit from 20% to 30% for projects under $2.5 million. This would make the credit more appealing and improve access for smaller projects. The House version of the bill is up to 50 cosponsors

Take Action 
Urge your Senators to cosponsor the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (S. 2615) today! 
If you have a personal contact in your Senator’s Washington D.C or District office, contact that person directly. Ask them to cosponsor the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act, S. 2615, introduced by Senators Cassidy, Cardin, Collins and Cantwell. Or you can call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-225-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senator’s DC office.
You can also check out and share this easy to use tool from the National Trust for Historic Preservation to ask your Senators to cosponsor HTC-GO today!

Action Alert: Urge Your Senators to Cosponsor S. 2615 Today →