Congress is in the appropriations process, which will determine Fiscal Year 2024 funding levels for historic preservation. We need your help! FY24 Dear Colleague letters in support of the Historic Preservation Fund are currently circulating in the Senate. The letter request $225 million in funding for the Historic Preservation Fund, the same level Preservation Action advocated for during Historic Preservation Advocacy Week. The dear colleague letter includes much-needed increases for State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, which are facing increased workloads as the infrastructure bill is implemented, and increases to critically important competitive grant programs. Check out our Historic Preservation Fund Appropriations 1-Pager to learn more.
To maximize the impact of the letter, we need as many Senators to sign-on as possible. We’ve made it easy for you to take action, click-on the Action Alert below to easily personalize and send a letter to your Senators.
Deadlines for signatures are quickly approaching, so reach out to your U.S Senators TODAY!
- The Senate letter is being led by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA).
- Signatures due: Thursday March 30, 2023
- If you have a personal contact in your Senator’s office, contact that person directly, especially if you just met with their office during Advocacy Week, and urge them to sign-on to the HPF dear colleague letter. If they do not handle Interior Appropriations please ask that they pass the message along to the Interior Appropriations staffer. Preservation Action has also made it easy for you take action. Check out our action campaign to easily personalize and send a letter to your Senators today!
- Thank you for reaching out to your Representatives!
- The House letter received 86 bipartisan cosigners and was submitted to the House Appropriations Interior Subcommittee.
- Thank you to the co-chairs of the Historic Preservation Caucus, Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) for leading the letter!
- Did your Representative sign-on? Be sure to thank them!
The letters will be submitted to the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee and Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee respectively and marks a strong commitment to protecting our historic resources for future generations.
Thank you for your advocacy!