Historic Preservation Caucus

The Historic Preservation Caucus, formed in 2003, brings together members of Congress who understand the value of America’s historic places as definers of our national character. Its members support and encourage preservation and thoughtful economic development in their states, districts, and territories as a matter of national policy.

The caucus is Co-Chaired by Representatives Michael Turner (R-OH) and Teresa Leger Fernández (D-NM).

“Investing in the real estate sector has been part of the fabric of America for generations. Preserving communities and incentivizing economic growth builds on that legacy.”

– Representative Turner (Source)

The growth of the Historic Preservation Caucus is an excellent opportunity for grassroots advocates. These members of Congress have stepped up to say they support us. Let’s work with them locally to share our good work. Cultivate these relationships by inviting them to events and meeting with their district staff.

Urge your Representative to join the Historic Preservation Caucus! Check out our Historic Preservation Caucus One Pager to learn more.

The Historic Preservation Caucus of the 119th House of Representatives

Name Party State
Adams, Alma D NC-12
Barr, Andy R KY-6
Beyer, Jr., Donald D VA-8
Bishop, Sanford D GA-2
Carey, Mike R 0H-15
Carson, Andre D IN-7
Carter, Buddy R GA-1
Carter, Troy D LA-2
Clark, Katherine D MA-05
Cleaver II, Emanuel D MO-5
Clyburn, James D SC-6
Cohen, Steve D TN-9
Cole, Tom R OK-4
Comer, James R KY-1
Connolly, Gerry D VA-11
Courtney, Joe D CT-2
Craig, Angie D MN-12
Davids, Sharice D KS-3
Davis, Danny D IL-7
DeGette, Diana D CO-1
DeLauro, Rosa D CT-3
Doggett, Lloyd D TX-25
Grijalva, Raul D AZ-3
Guthrie, Brett R KY-2
Hayes, Jahana D CT-5
Hill, French R AR-2
Himes, Jim D CT-4
Holmes-Norton, Eleanor D DC
Houchin, Erin R IN-9
Johnson, Dusty R SD-AL
Kaptur, Marcy D OH-9
Keating, William D MA-9
Kiggans, Jen R VA-2
LaHood, Darin R IL-18
Larson, John D CT-1
Lawler, Mike R NY-17
Leger-Fernández, Teresa (Co-Chair) D NM-3
Lynch, Stephen D MA-9
Matsui, Doris D CA-5
Magaziner, Seth D RI-2
McCollum, Betty DFL MN-4
McGovern, James D MA-2
Moore, Gwen D WI-4
Morelle, Joe D NY-25
Nadler, Jerrold D NY-8
Neal, Richard D MA-2
Pallone, Frank D NJ-6
Pingree, Chellie D ME-1
Plaskett, Stacey D VI-AL
Pocan, Mark D WI-2
Raskin, Jamie D MD-8
Rogers, Hal R KY-5
Ross, Deborah D NC-2
Schakowsky, Janice D IL-9
Scott, David D GA-13
Scott, Robert “Bobby” D VA-3
Smith, Adam D WA-9
Stansbury, Melanie D NM-1
Tonko, Paul D NY-20
Turner, Michael (Co-Chair) R OH-3
Watson-Coleman, Bonnie D NJ-12
Wilson, Joe R SC-2
Wittman, Robert R VA-1

States Represented in the Historic Preservation Caucus

Raul Grijalva

French Hill

Doris Matsui

Diana DeGette

Joe Courtney
Rosa DeLauro
Jim Himes
John Larson
Jahana Hayes

District of Columbia
Eleanor Holmes-Norton

David Scott
Buddy Carter
Sanford Bishop

Danny Davis
Janice Schakowsky
Darin LaHood

Andre Carson
Erin Houchin

Sharice Davids

Andy Barr
James Comer
Brett Guthrie
Hal Rogers

Troy Carter

Katherine Clark
William Keating
Stephen Lynch
James McGovern
Richard Neal

Jamie Raskin

Chellie Pingree

Betty McCollum
Angie Craig

Emanuel Cleaver

New Jersey
Frank Pallone
Bonnie Watson-Coleman

New Mexico
Melanie Stansbury
Teresa Leger-Fernández (Co-Chair)

New York
Mike Lawler
Jerrold Nadler
Paul Tonko
Joe Morelle

North Carolina
Alma Adams
Deborah Ross

Marcy Kaptur
Mike Carey
Michael Turner (Co-Chair)

Tom Cole

Rhode Island
Seth Magaziner

South Carolina
James Clyburn
Joe Wilson

South Dakota
Dusty Johnson

Steve Cohen

Lloyd Doggett

Robert Scott
Robert Wittman
Don Beyer
Gerry Connolly
Jen Kiggans

Virgin Islands
Stacey Plaskett

Adam Smith

Gwen Moore
Mark Pocan