Urge Your Senators to Sign HPF Dear Colleague Letter; Apply for Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants; State Historic Tax Credit Successes and Ongoing Efforts; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 24, Number 15, April 30, 2021

1. Urge Your Senators to Sign-on to the Historic Preservation Fund Dear Colleague Letter

2. Deadline Approaching for Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants

3. State Historic Tax Credit Successes and Ongoing Efforts From Across the Country

4. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: April 30, 2021 →

Urge Rep to Sign-on to HPF Dear Colleague Letter; House Committee Holds Hearing on Four Parks Bills; Partners Network Spring Retreat is Next Week; and Stories From Around the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 24, Number 14, April 23, 2021

1. Urge Your Representatives to Sign-on to the Historic Preservation Fund Dear Colleague Letter

2. House National Parks Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Four Bills that Help Preserve Important Sites

3. National Preservation Partners Network Virtual Spring Retreat Kicks Off Next Week

4. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: April 23, 2021 →

President Biden Sends Budget Request to Congress; PA Submits Testimony to House Appropriations Committee; Legislation Introduced to Establish a Historic Tax Credit in Tennessee; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 24, Number 13, April 16, 2021

1. President Biden Sends Discretionary Budget Request to Congress

2. Preservation Action Submits Testimony to House Appropriations Interior Subcommittee

3. Legislation Introduced in Tennessee to Establish a State Historic Tax Credit

4. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: April 16, 2021 →

Opportunities for Preservation in Biden Infrastructure Plan; Senate Bill Would Undermine NHPA in Rural Areas; Register for Upcoming Events; and Stories From Around the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 24, Number 12, April 09, 2021

1. President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Presents Opportunities for Historic Preservation Priorities

2. Bill Introduced in Senate Would Remove National Historic Preservation Act Protections from Federal Projects in Rural Areas

3. Register for These Upcoming Virtual Events in April!

4. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: April 09, 2021 →

Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act Introduced in House; Public Lands Package Includes Important Heritage Area Bill; Thanks for a Successful Advocacy Week; and Stories From the States

Preservation Action, Legislative Update
Volume 24, Number 11, April 02, 2021

1. Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act Introduced in House. Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor!

2. Large Public Lands Package Passes House Including Key National Heritage Area Bill and Other Priorities

3. Thank You for a Successful Virtual Historic Preservation Advocacy Week!

4. Stories From the States

Legislative Update: April 02, 2021 →