2024 Historic Preservation Congressional Candidate Survey Results
With the 2024 elections just around the corner, Preservation Action is excited to announce the results of our 2024 Historic Preservation Congressional Candidate Survey! With the help of our network of state and local historic preservation organizations, we surveyed U.S House and Senate candidates in all 50 states in an effort to keep Americans informed on where their federal candidates stand on national historic preservation programs and policies, like the Historic Preservation Fund, federal Historic Tax Credit and National Historic Preservation Act. The survey also served as a tool to educate candidates on key historic preservation programs. Check out the complete results of our candidate survey today!
How did the candidates in your state respond? Check out the full results below!
2024 Congressional Candidate Survey Results (.xls)
We received responses from 121 congressional candidates, representing 40 states. The results show historic preservation is recognized as an important federal policy initiative by candidates from across the country, and across the political spectrum. In response to the survey, 96% of candidates expressed support for robust funding for the Historic Preservation Fund, 93.5% would support efforts to permanently reauthorize and enhance the Historic Preservation Fund, 95% believe the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit should be enhanced, 93.5% expressed support for the Federal Historic Preservation Easement Program, and 95% support the consideration of historic resources on the federal planning process. Candidates also responded to an open-ended question on the important role historic preservation plays in their state/district.
Additional Resources
In addition to reviewing the survey results, we encourage you to research where your members of Congress stand on historic preservation.
- Is your Representative a member of the Historic Preservation Caucus?
- Did your members of Congress sign on to the House FY24 Historic Preservation Fund Dear Colleague Letter or the Senate FY24 Historic Preservation Fund Dear Colleague Letter?
- Did your members of Congress respond to Preservation Action’s 2018 Congressional Candidate Survey (.xls), Preservation Action’s 2020 Congressional Candidate Survey (.xls), or 2022 Congressional Candidate Survey Results (.xls)?
- Did your Representative or Senators cosponsor the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (H.R. 1785, S. 639)?
- Did your Representative cosponsor the Historic Preservation Fund Reauthorization Act (H.R. 3350)?
Preservation Action does not endorse candidates in primary or general elections. Preservation Action made every effort to report on candidates’ positions accurately; any mistakes or omissions were inadvertent. Please email mail@preservationaction.org with any suggested corrections.