Board & Staff


Rob Naylor, Associate Director

Rob joined Preservation Action as an intern in 2014 and now serves as Associate Director. He monitors policy issues, coordinates advocacy efforts, prepares educational materials and provides policy updates as part of Preservation Action’s Legislative Update. He has a Bachelor of Arts in history and political science from Kent State University. His first exposure to historic preservation came while studying at Kent State, he joined the May 4th Taskforce, a group on campus dedicated to preserving the legacy, history and physical site of the May 4th 1970 shootings. Rob has a deep love and appreciation of the history and preservation efforts in his hometown of Cincinnati, OH.

Emilie Evans, Operations & Communications Director

Emilie joined Preservation Action in 2022 and leads the coordination of
Preservation Action/Preservation Action Foundation’s Washington D.C.-based activities, including our presence on Capitol Hill to promote preservation-friendly federal policies. Emilie is an award-winning preservationist with an impressive and varied background in preservation. Previously she worked with the Detroit RiverFront Conservancy,  PlaceEconomics, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Michigan Historic Preservation Network. Additionally, she has served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation.
On top of that, she co-founded and co-leads Brick + Beam Detroit, a 2015 Knight Cities Challenge winner that connects building rehabbers, property owners, local tradespeople, and others reactivating Detroit’s older buildings with hands-on skills, resources, and each other to further building reinvestment projects. She was the 2015 recipient of the American Express Aspire Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Emilie lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and two boys. 

Russ Carnahan, Honorary President and Strategic Advisor

Congressman Carnahan served 4 terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing the St. Louis, MO region. He held several leadership positions including the Chairmanship of the bi-partisan Historic Preservation Caucus and the High Performance Building Caucus that focused on strategies that included use of green building technologies and policies for historic and new buildings. Previously as a state legislator, he was a champion of Missouri’s nationally known State Historic Tax Credit that has successfully spurred saving and restoring countless historic properties. Congressman Carnahan is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Law and is a principal in the firm Carnahan Global Consulting.


Members of the Preservation Action Board of Directors lead the organization by example, being active preservationists in their states and providing essential information to Preservation Action staff about federal issues concerning their communities. These grassroots volunteers are crucial to Preservation Action’s effectiveness as the voice for preservation in Washington.

Preservation Action Executive Committee
Briana Paxton, GA
Trisha Logan, FL
Vice Chair, Finance & Administration Committee
Kim Trent, TN
Vice Chair, Development Committee
Rachel Patton, AR
Vice Chair, Membership Committee
Matt Elverson, TX
Chair, Programs & Policy Committee
Edward Hall, TX
Chair, PAC Committee
Aaron Marcavitch, CT
Vice Chair, Treasurer
Vice Chair, Secretary
Alyssa Lozupone, RI
Nominating Committee
Carol Shull, VA
Allyson Brooks, WA
Lindsey Derrington, TX
Rachel Robinson, MD
At Large
Board Members
Rebeccah Ballo Alexandria, VA
Joyce Barrett Columbus, OH
Peter Benton Spring City, PA
Mary Bergman Nantucket, MA
Karen Bode Baxter St. Louis, MO
Peg Breen New York, NY
Allyson Brooks Olympia, WA
John Campo New Orleans, LA
Suzanne Clary Rye, NY
Melinda Crawford Harrisburg, PA
Marsh Davis Indianapolis, IN
Kay Decker Alva, OK
Danielle Del Sol New Orleans, LA
Lindsey Derrington Austin, TX
Matt Elverson San Antonio, TX
Ellen Farlow-Stoner Chicago, IL
Nancy Finegood Lansing, MI
Elizabeth Gales Minneapolis, MN
Andrea Goldwyn New York, NY
Wayne Goodman Rochester, NY
Valarie Grussing Washington, DC
J.P Hall Muncie, IN
Edward Hall San Antonio, TX
Erin Hanafin-Berg St. Paul, MN
Winslow Hastie Charleston, SC
Erik Hein Washington, DC
Melvena Heisch Oklahoma City, OK
Mary-Anna Holden Madison, NJ
J. Myrick Howard Raleigh, NC
Patricia Jacobs Virginia City, MT
Charles Janson Stamford, CT
Nick Kalogeresis Chicago, IL
Kathy Krnavek San Antonio, TX
Tara Kelly Bath, ME
Susan Kline Witchita, KS
Mark Kusey San Antonio, TX
Kevin Krulewitch Indianapolis, IN
John Lesak Los Angeles, CA
Trisha Logan Plantation, FL
Alyssa Lozupone Hartford, CT
Kathy Makino Detroit, MI
Aaron Marcavitch Hartford, CT
Lauren McHale Washington, DC
Patrick McIntyre Nashville, TN
Erin Mehard Charleston, SC
Vince Michael San Antonio, TX
Brittany Miller Cambridge City, IN
Shanon Miller San Antonio, TX
Thomas Moriartity Arlington, VA
Richard Netller Ellicott City, MD
Rachel Patton Little Rock, AR
Stephanie Paul Virginia Beach, VA
Briana Paxton Savannah, GA
Huy Pham Seattle, WA
Stephanie Phillips San Antonio, TX
Jeff Pollock Pittsford, NY
Kathy Rhoads San Antonio, TX
Rachel Robinson Annapolis, MD
David Richardson St. Louis, MO
Elizabeth Rosin Kansas City, MO
Robert Saarnio Oxford, MS
Zoe Scurderi Boise, ID
Carol Shull Arlington, VA
Shaw Sprague Washington, DC
Jennifer Stark, AIA, CSBA Yardley, PA
Ione Stiegler La Jolla, CA
Jack Thomson Lincolnton, NC
Kim Trent Knoxville, TN
Dru Van Steenberg San Antonio, TX
Grady Walter Lexington, KY
Chris Wasney Palo Alto, CA
Matt Wiederhold Columbus, OH
Dave Williams Dayton, OH
Lee Ann Wofford Montgomery, AL
John Wolak Perham, MN

Executive Committee: Consists of the officers of the organization (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Chairs) and up to five other directors as appointed by the chair. The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the board at its own meetings to guide management of the organization.

Membership Committee: This committee is responsible for the organization’s membership development campaigns, organizational affiliates program, and other such outreach, including Preservation Action Hero of the Quarter and Year; and for the organization’s communications strategies and materials.

Development Committee: This committee is responsible for the organization’s direct fundraising campaigns, events, and activities.

Programs and Policy Committee: This committee is responsible for helping develop the organization’s positions and strategies on federal legislation and appropriations, often utilizing subcommittees or task forces on specific policy areas for targeted grassroots lobbying focused on key Congressional committees.

Finance and Administration Committee: This committee is responsible for developing the annual budget, fiscal policies, and other policies that guide the management of the organization.

Nominating and Governance Committee: This committee is responsible for the annual nominations process for the board of directors and its officers, and for reviewing the organizational documents and bylaws to ensure compliance.

PAC Committee: This new committee is being formed as Preservation Action undertakes the launch of the Preservation Action PAC in 2024. This committee will help guide the PAC decision-making as we navigate this new endeavor of the only active nationwide preservation-focused Political Action Committee.
Advocacy Week (Annual Special Project, Spring): This joint PA/PAF committee supports Preservation Action staff planning National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week. Specific tasks include planning PA’s annual congressional reception and awards, the Advocacy Scholars program, and on-site help during Advocacy Week.
PAF Annual Party and Live Auction (Annual Special Project, Fall): This joint PA/PAF committee supports Preservation Action staff in organizing Preservation Action Foundation’s Annual Party and Auction during the National Preservation Conference. Board members help recruit auction items and sponsors, assist with party/auction logistics, and help on-site during the auction.

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