Thank You for a Successful National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week!

Thanks to everyone for helping to make this year’s National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week a huge success!
We hope you enjoyed your time in Washington, D.C. A special thank our many speakers and sponsors for helping to make it all possible. We were thrilled to have over 200 attendees (including many first-time advocates) representing 45 states and territories and reaching nearly 250 congressional offices!
Your advocacy has an impact!
Now is the time for the important follow-up to your congressional office visits! As we heard from several panelists this year, following up on your visits is critical in continuing your advocacy and creating a relationship with your members.
Complete Your Hill Report Forms!
Knowing who you met with and how those meetings went is essential for Preservation Action and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers’ continued advocacy. Reports from your Hill meetings allows us to better support you.
The reports only take a few minutes and can be completed easily online. Please complete a Hill Report Form by Monday, March 31st, for each of the advocacy meetings attended as part of this year’s Advocacy Week.
See our Advocacy Week materials and learn about our asks here.